Customize all Cebeks
Custom projects . Keys on hand.
Custom electronics.

Cebek OEM
Your project keys in hand.

A few months ago the Italian company Politrónica commissioned us a new project: To manufacture the electronics for a small 3D children's printer that they had developed.

It included ARDUINO technology, SD memory card, power supply, wiring, and 3D engines.

They were in charge of the plastic of the printer and Cebek of the electronics. It is one of many other projects that we can manage and / or manufacture.

Another installer requested several thousands of LED strips with ultra-super-brightness, with 17 cm of cable and a 2PIN connector, controlled in double strips by a sequential Cebek LS-2 of 2 channels and a feeder.

We supply the complete pack, with LED strips of 50 and 70 cm, as requested by the client.

We also customize any timer and adjust the selectable time margin, or, we give the timer to activate with a fixed type of time, according to the needs of each client.

They are special series, usually higher than 100-200 units, and they are made at special prices, depending on the requested changes and the cost of the components.

Custom solar panels.
OEM Panels

We have since 2008 an Agent in China, which is a dedicated family business specialized in the manufacture of customized solar panels.

We can, thanks to this old contact, supply small customized panels, of 1,2,3,5, or 10 watts of power, and with the measures that we are asked for.

We have supplied many of these solar panels for different Irrigation Communities in the country that use them to recharge the batteries, and which are also used in luminous traffic signals on our roads.