Reference: E-16
Power supply : 6 - 12 V / 210 mA
Output impedance : 4-8 ohms
Dimensions : 96 x 46 x 30 mm.
Weight : 60 gr.
The E-16 module offer a maximal pover of 5 W R.M.S. (7.2 W music), at 4ohm.
Its main characteristic is the double input, input for previous or input for stage offering it the posibility to amplify almost all kind of signal.
Minimum input signal for Previous: 5mV for Stage 50 mV input.
Impedance for Previous 10 kohm. for Stage : 100kohm.
Frequencies margin: 30-18000 Hz It includes gain adjuntment colume control connection terminals and P.I.P
Recommended box C-7523
FE-2 power supply
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